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Committees & Teams - Democratic Party of Denver

Committees & Teams

The Democratic Party of Denver reaches its goals through several operating committees and teams. Want to get involved? Reach out and join a committee or team.

Standing Committees


The Rules Committee evaluates proposed rules and rules changes. It also makes determinations in party disputes related to the rules of the Democratic Party of Denver. Depending on need, the Rules Committee meets monthly during odd-numbered years. It does not meet regularly during general election years.


Each house sub-district can elect only one person to this Committee.


The Credentials Committee oversees the process of validating the eligibility of members at certain Democratic Party of Denver meetings. Depending on the county party’s meeting schedule, the Credentials Committee meets at least 2 times per year and always at the beginning of any County Party Central Committee meeting or county party assembly/convention.

Each house sub-district can elect only one person to this Committee.

Permanent Organization

The Permanent Organization Committee makes recommendations to the Democratic Party of Denver for the organization and agenda for Democratic Party of Denver Assembly held every even year, and Convention held in Presidential Election years. Depending on the county party’s meeting schedule, the Permanent Organization Committee usually meets twice per year.


Each house sub-district can elect only one person to this Committee.


The Platform Committee organizes the Democratic Party of Denver’s recommended platform planks for presentation at caucus. Following caucuses, the Platform Committee meets to organize and compile the platform planks adopted by each precinct’s caucus into one proposal for the Democratic Party of Denver’s Platform which is then presented at the Democratic Party of Denver’s County Assembly.


Each house sub-district can elect only one person to this Committee. The Platform Committee usually meets regularly in the summer and fall leading up to an even year and then again, several times between caucus and assembly in the early spring of that even year.

Get Out The Vote (GOTV)

The GOTV Team oversees the development of the county-wide GOTV plan, including our sample ballot project, and helps House Districts develop their plans for outreach to voters in each district. While the GOTV Team is very active during the election season contacting voters about the upcoming election and reminding voters to vote for Democrats and initiatives that have been officially endorsed by the Democratic Party of Denver, the goal is to have a GOTV outreach effort in each precinct on a regular basis (ranging from voter registration, welcome/info flyers, legislative updates, event notices, and campaign-related materials).


The Team also works with the Diversity and Outreach Team to oversee voter registration drives throughout the entire county. Each house sub-district can appoint one or more persons to this Team. The GOTV Team usually meets more frequently as elections near but may meet every other month during the off-season.


The Fundraising/Events Team works to assist the Democratic Party of Denver with fundraising, targeted mailing campaigns, low dollar, and high dollar events coordination. The Team also oversees the Century, Victory, and Millennium Club Programs ($100/$500/$1,000 yearly donors), annual event coordination for fundraisers, as well as dialing for dollars programs. Often, volunteer strengths lie within event coordination and management. Therefore, it is necessary to have a select group of people that are an integral part of organizing large-dollar and small-dollar events – including the Democratic Party summer picnic and the annual DPOD dinner.


In addition, the Century/Victory/Millennium Club team plan 3-4 events a year that only Century/Victory/Millennium Club members can attend as well as oversee the processing of renewal letters to those whose memberships have expired. Each house sub-district can appoint one or more persons to this Team.


The Fundraising Team usually meets every other month but may meet more frequently as major fundraising events come near.

Diversity & Inclusion

The Diversity and Inclusion Team leads efforts to connect and coordinate with progressive organizations and individuals outside the Democratic Party and with under-represented and marginalized communities in Denver County. Because the Democratic Party values the participation of all diverse members and recognizes that diversity is our strength, it takes positive steps to foster participation at all levels of the Party and in all Party affairs of traditionally under-represented and marginalized groups in the electorate. The Team organizes events in the targeted communities to learn about their needs and how the Democratic Party can better serve them, and also promotes Democratic Party participation in community events such as PrideFest, Cinco de Mayo, Juneteenth, Black Arts Festival, Sloan's Lake Dragon Boat Festival, and Cesar Chavez Day Parade. The Team provides opportunities for elected officials to interact with the targeted communities. The Team reports its findings to the Executive Team and makes recommendations to address the issues and concerns that are important to the targeted communities. The Team provides education to the Executive Team and to the House Districts to elevate the understanding of all Party officers and members concerning the issues and concerns raised by the targeted communities.

Each house sub-district can appoint one or more persons to this Team. The Diversity and Outreach Team usually meets once a month.

Outreach & Community Engagement

The Public Policy Team provides a forum for activists to become involved in policy initiatives at the local, state, and federal level. Using the Democratic Party’s county and state platforms as guides, the Team selects specific issues to follow, from inception through enactment. During sessions of the General Assembly, focus is placed on pending state legislation of greatest concern to the Democratic Party.

Issues are studied in depth by Sub-teams called study groups, which report back to the whole Team for general discussion and debate. For selected bills, members of the Team engage legislators and testify at public hearings. Resolutions on major issues are formulated and sent to the county party Executive and/or Central Committees for endorsement.


Every house sub-district is encouraged to designate a member to sit on the Public Policy Team, but participation is open to all interested Democrats.

Regularly scheduled meetings of the whole Team are held the first Thursday of every month, and study groups meet at the call of their respective chairs.


The Technology Team oversees the Democratic Party of Denver’s technology development. Currently, they need volunteers with experience in web development, web content management, content writers, Zoom Administration,  Survey Monkey Administration. The Team manages development and establishes policies and procedures for:​

  • The public website and use of social media.

  • Provides tools and services to facilitate internal party communication.

  • Provides contact management systems for maintenance of party lists and of the voter and volunteer databases (including the Voter Activation Network aka VAN).

  • Computer and services in the party office and for off-site party activities.

  • Development of software applications used to execute party activities such as caucus, conventions and assemblies.


Each House Subdistrict should appoint one or more persons to this Team. The Technology Team meets monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month.  Website Team meets monthly on the 2nd Saturday of the month.


This Team consists of volunteer coordinators from each House District to coordinate the over 700 volunteers needed in for each election. They maintain volunteer information from the web sign-up for into the database.  Then, there are separate databases for each House District so they can contact the volunteers. They sent an email each week providing volunteer opportunities for the House Districts, the County Party, the State Party and any campaigns. They are looking for volunteers who can assist with developing a new database with technology Team:

  • Define and develop true volunteer organization

  • Volunteer appreciation

  • Robust volunteer engagement strategy

  • Find out what else we can do to support HDs

  • Support volunteer signup and communication during mid-year elections.  

  • Provide whatever support the House Districts need


Volunteer Now - Democratic Party of Denver

Want to get involved? Reach out and join a committee.

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